Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cultural Intelligence and Capability System

Question: Discuss about the Cultural Intelligence and Capability System. Answer: Introduction It would be correct to say that culture is an integral part of any work place. The productivity of employees at workplace and end-customer satisfaction depends a lot on the culture of the organization. This is one of the reasons that the objective of top leaders and senior managers is to create a healthy culture where different stakeholders can work together. The three things that are required to create a safe work place are cultural self-awareness, cultural intelligence and cultural capability. The objective of this report is to discuss the media clip of Hello, Sick People - Occam's Razor - House. The aim and the scope of this report can be discussed as: The aim of this report is to discuss the media clip of Hello, Sick People - Occam's Razor - House. The report would discuss the various cultural aspects shown in the media clip. The report would discuss the key observations in the video clip and discuss the safe and unsafe aspects of culture as shown in the video. The scope of this report is to focus only on the media clip of Hello, Sick People - Occam's Razor - House. The report would not discuss the cultural aspects as shown in House, in general. It can be inferred from the video that Dr House is not a jolly person. He lives in his own world and he does not care if people thinks good or bad about him. The key summary of the video clip and the key observations can be discussed as: The media clip, Hello, Sick People - Occam's Razor - House is the Episode 3 of Season 1 of TV series, House. The setting, as shown in the media clip, is a workplace setting. The workplace is a hospital. The video shows that Dr House walks into the hospital and start talking with the people (patients) present near reception area. The video shows that Dr House is an unconventional doctor. He entered the hospital and he said that he is loaded with cases. He addresses the people as sick people and he didnt show and respect to the people presented in the scenario. He announced that he may not be the best option for patients, still if someone wants discussion with him then he or she can come to visit him. The second half shows that lady paid him the visit and Dr House was too sharp to realize that she was being fired from her job and she wanted to claim the medical insurance so that she can live comfortably. Analysis In the first part of the scene, Dr. House entered the clinic and start conversation with the receptionist. The physical layout of the clinic suggest that the clinic is good. Dr. House maintained good eye-contact with receptionist. However, it appeared that receptionist was not happy with Dr. House. This assumption was solidified as the video progressed. In the next scene, it was shown that Dr. House talks to the patients in very unconventional and rude manner. He went ahead and gave hard time to patients with his little speech. It can be said that his behavior was not culturally consistent with the workplace culture. Erez Lisak (2013) argued that in a workplace setting, the employees should greet consumers and they should focus to develop good rapport with consumers. However, nothing sort of this is evident in the video. In fact, the video demonstrates the behavior that can be termed as just opposite of this. Dr. House was not at all interested to develop any rapport with customers. In fact, it appeared that he did not care anything about the customers of clinic. He even said that he does not want to treat people. Barakat Lorenz (2015) argued that in a service organization, employees and employees behavior is the key to success for organizations. It is important that organizations should treat employees about the culture. The scenario in the video shows that the workplace culture was not good in the clinic. It is important that leadership is innovative enough to create a culture that allows staff to gather around an organization and its goals. Leaders will set the standard with regard to organizational structure based on their culture that he or she helps establish. The video highlights the need that in a corporate culture there has to be some discussion of values and conscious decisions made about what the corporation will pursue when it comes to justice. This is often compounded by an inability to discuss one's moral outlook because others react by accusing people of pushing their views (Ramsey Barakat, 2014). Andresen Bergdolt (2017) argued that a common thread of belief is that conscious capitalism has many factors and the impact it has on leadership, management, employees, shareholders, stakeholders and the community can have an important and positive impact.According to Andresen Bergdolt (2017), the idea of 'conscious business' is driven by a higher goal. When an organization incorporates the four factors of conscious business; higher purpose, stakeholder orientation, conscious culture and conscious leadership, it helps guide to make the highest impact on these groups within the organization (Andresen Bergdolt, 2017). The video demonstrates that organization had no good culture or positive traits. The only good thing demonstrated in the video is the fact that Dr. House is the man of extreme caliber. He is a gifted personality who has some superpower or something. He was able to understand the behavior of his patients with the first look. In this era of contemporary business environment, the body language is also an important aspect of cultural intelligence (Groves Feyerherm, 2015). The inspection of body analysis can be done with the perspective of three key stakeholders; Dr. House, receptionist and the patient that visited Dr. House. The body language of receptionist was good and it appeared that she was doing her work effectively. However, her eye contact with Dr. House was not healthy. It appeared that she was not happy with the lack-luster attitude of Dr. House. The body language of Dr. House was not at all good. He was not willing to give happy gesture to others. He was not smiling and he appeared rude. The body language of the patients was all inquisitive. The patient t hat visited Dr. House was confused and she was not able to understand the personality of Dr. House. She did not like the fact that Dr. House figured out that she was fired from the job. Recommendations There is a need of improvement in the existing workplace and it can be done if all the stakeholders are committed to improve workplace culture and conditions. Few important recommendations for the clinic to improve workplace condition and to develop a positive culture can be discussed as: It is important that Dr. House should be more open of talking politely with people. It appeared that he was not at all happy working in the clinic. It is the responsibility of hospital management to discuss the terms with Dr. House. However, it is important that Dr. House must change his attitude towards the work and patients. It is recommended that the hospital management should conduct some training sessions for Dr. House so that he is aware of the dos and donts at hospitals. He should not be the one responsible to shatter the image of hospital. Hospital can also have dedicated seating area for patients and visitors. The video showed that all the people are standing and there was some chaos in the group of patients as Dr. House entered the clinic. Conclusion With the above discussion, it can be said that the workplace scenario is not safe and the steps should be taken to improve the workplace. The paper discusses that Dr. House was not supportive of the workplace and it appeared that he was not motivated enough to work. He was rude in his approach and he behaved in very unconventional manner. It is important that hospital management should conduct some training sessions for Dr. House and he should also understand his duties towards the hospital, towards his colleagues and towards the patients. References Andresen, M., Bergdolt, F. (2017). A systematic literature review on the definitions of global and cultural intelligencemerging two different research streams.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,28(1), 170-195. Barakat, L. L., Lorenz, M. P., Ramsey, J. R., Cretoiu, S. L. (2015). Global managers: An analysis of the impact of cultural intelligence on job satisfaction and performance.International Journal of Emerging Markets,10(4), 781-800. Clips, M.D. (2017). Hello, Sick People - Occam's Razor House. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV5Xk0lFlL0 (23rd May 2017) Erez, M., Lisak, A., Harush, R., Glikson, E., Nouri, R., Shokef, E. (2013). Going global: Developing management students' cultural intelligence and global identity in culturally diverse virtual teams.Academy of Management Learning Education,12(3), 330-355. Groves, K. S., Feyerherm, A., Gu, M. (2015). Examining cultural intelligence and cross-cultural negotiation effectiveness.Journal of Management Education,39(2), 209-243. Ramsey, J. R., Barakat, L. L., Aad, A. A. (2014). Commitment to the study of international business and cultural intelligence: A multilevel model.Journal of Teaching in International Business,25(4), 267-282.

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